EBS Ai on CME Globex

EBS Ai on CME Globex

EBS customers use EBS Ai to transact on CME Globex over FIX protocol with minimal modifications to their trading and market data solutions.

This topic presents the differences between the Legacy Ai protocol and the new EBS Ai protocol. For full technical information, please refer to the Ai 2.0.5 FIX Developer's Guide available in the EBS Support Portal

Additional Resources

Additional Resources


System Architecture

This diagram shows the EBS Ai component integration with CME Globex Platform.


New Release Connectivity

All EBS Ai client systems must establish connectivity to the CME Globex New Release environments to enable testing.  See the EBS environments overview for details about accessing the test environments. 

  • EBS Ai is physically located in the Chicago data center

    • No EBS Customer Lab instance

  • Accessible over CMEG Cert Data Center and CMEG Cert VPN 

    • Not accessible over EBS VPN or EBS STunnel


Cert Data Center

Cert VPN(Internet)

Legacy EBS Lab


Cert Data Center

Cert VPN(Internet)

Legacy EBS Lab


Production Connectivity

EBS Production Connectivity Options reflects connectivity product descriptions, availability, setup, and more for each production connectivity option.

  • EBS Ai is physically located in the CME Group primary data centers in New York, London, and Tokyo

  • EBS Ai is accessible over production CME Group network connections as follows:



New York

