Point of Order Origination

The mandatory tags described below support the following business services:

  • Order origination identifier – identifies geographical origin of an order.

  • Automated Trading System (ATS) indicator - identifies an order as submitted manually or by an ATS.

  • Trading system and version identifier - identifies name and software version of the front-end trading system.


CME Group audits the values provided in these tags to ensure accuracy and compliance.

Order Origination Identifier

CME Group requires each order be tagged with the originating location in tag 142-SenderLocationID, with the ISO code for the physical location of the individual or team head trader identified by the Operator ID in the message.

 ISO codes are located at https://www.cmegroup.com/ftp/fix/coo/. Access to this site requires a CME Group Login.

Only Canadian ISO codes include country and province or territory. All other codes identify the country code.

ATS Indicator

CME Group considers any order generated without direct human interaction automated. Whether the order is submitted by manual or automated means is indicated by the value in tag 1028-ManualOrderIndicator (Y=manual, N=automated).

Trading System and Version

At client system logon, CME Globex requires proprietary systems and ISVs to identify their front-end system name and current production version of that system. A system provider should contact Global Account Management (GAM) to generate the unique, static value to identify the system logging into CME Globex. For each new gateway application that utilizes an iLink ID, GAM will generate a new value.

The following tags are required on the iLink 2 Logon from Client System to CME Globex (tag 35-MsgType=A) message header only and should not be sent for any other message type.

  • tag 1603-ApplicationSystemName - the system logging into CME Globex via the iLink ID. This tag is required on the Logon (tag 35-MsgType=A) message header only.

The client system may support multiple downstream trading applications. For example, a gateway may log in and then expose an API that many other systems use to route trades to CME Globex. If there are different gateway applications, each should have a unique value for tag 1603 as assigned by GAM.

  • tag 1604-ApplicationSystemVersion – client system internal version number. This tag is required on the Logon (tag 35-MsgType=A) message header only.

  • tag 1605-ApplicationSystemVendor - the vendor, or proprietary system owner, who supplies the connection to CME Globex as provided by GAM. This tag is required on the Logon (tag 35-MsgType=A) message header only.

Complete List of Point of Order Origination Tags

The following table provides a complete list of tags for all inbound and outbound messages relating to Point of Order Origination.


FIX Name


Valid Values




FIX Name


Valid Values






Obtain from GAM or from Vendor


Provides the name of the application system being used to generate FIX application messages. This will normally be a trading system, OMS, or EMS. This tag is required on the Logon (tag 35-MsgType=A) message header only.




Obtain from GAM or from Vendor


Provides the version of the application system being used to initiate FIX application messages. This tag is required on the Logon (tag 35-MsgType=A) message header only.




Obtain from GAM or from Vendor


Provides the vendor of the application system. This tag is required on the Logon (tag 35-MsgType=A) message header only.






ISO identifier of the physical location of the individual or team head trader identified by the Operator ID in the message. For further information on Operator ID refer to Rule 576-CME Globex Operator ID Requirements. 

The first two bytes as per ISO 3166-1, identify the country (e.g., JP = Japan, CN = China).

The next three bytes indicate a comma-delimited state or province code (e.g., CA = California, QC = Quebec).

For valid values, refer to https://www.cmegroup.com/ftp/fix/coo/

Market Regulation requires only the submission of the two first characters of tag 142–SenderLocationID for all countries with the exception of Canada. For Canada, the 5 bytes including the province code must be submitted.

  • for Cancel/Replace (tag 35-MsgType=G) messaging, the tag 142 value submitted in the original New Order will not persist for the lifetime of the order.

  • for Cancel (tag 35-MsgType=F) messaging,  tag 142 value submitted in the original New Order will be retuned in tag 143 value for the Execution Report - Cancel (tag 35-MsgType=8, tag 39-OrdStatus=4) message.






Indicates if the order was sent manually or by automated trading logic.

Tag 1028 is required and will be validated via audit.

iLink messages containing an invalid value for this tag other than 'Y' or 'N' will be rejected.






Echoes back Tag 142-SenderLocationID.






Type of response:
2 = Accept security proposal with revisions as indicated in the message.
5 = Reject security proposal.

Y: Required by FIX protocol, Y*: Required by CME Globex (not by FIX protocol), N: Not Required, C: Conditionally Required (see description).

Refer to the iLink 2 Message Specification for complete message details.

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