Options Exercise API - Position Maintenance Report
The submitter receives this message in response to a Position Maintenance Request message or an Option Instruction submitted via the Positions User Interface.
Field Name | FIXML Attribute Name | Data Type | Description | Supported Values |
PosMntRpt | ||||
Message ID | RptID | String | Unique identifier for this position report. | |
Transaction Type | TxnTyp | int | Identifies the type of position transaction. | 1 = Exercise 2 = Do Not Exercise |
Position Request ID | ReqID | String | Unique identifier for the position maintenance request associated with this report. | |
Action | Actn | int | Maintenance action to be performed. New is the only supported value, as it overwrites any previous Exercise or Do Not Exercise request for the same firm, origin, and, if specified, account for the clearing business day. | 1 = New |
Position Maintenance Status | Stat | int | Status of Position Maintenance Request. | 0 = Accepted 1 = Accepted With Warnings 2 = Rejected |
Clear Date | BizDt | LocalMktDate | The Clearing Business Date covered by this request. | |
Option Status | OptStat | int | Indicates the present financial status of the option. | 0 = Out of the money 1 = In the money |
Transaction Time | TxnTm | UTCTimestamp | Timestamp when the business transaction represented by the message occurred. | |
Text | Txt | String | Used to indicate an error or warning. | |
PosMntRpt/Pty (Repeating) | ||||
Party ID | ID | String | Used to identify the Party. | |
Party Role | R | int | Indicates the type of Party or the role of the party in the Party Block. | 1 = Executing Firm 4 = Clearing Firm 21 = Clearing Organization 22 = Exchange 24 = Customer Account 38 = Position account |
PosMntRpt/Pty/Sub (Repeating) | ||||
Party Sub ID | ID | String | A Sub ID provides additional information about the Party. To specify the Origin (Typ=26), always specify it for the executing firm (Party Role 1), not the customer account. It may also appear on the Position Account. (Party Role 38) Valid values for Origin (Typ=26): 1 = Customer 2 = House | |
Party Sub Type | Typ | int | The Type of Party Sub ID in the Party Sub Tag. | 26 = Account type or Origin |
PosMntRpt/Instrmt | ||||
Product Code | ID | String | Used as the primary identifier for the traded instrument. For listed derivatives this is generally an exchange or CCP defined value. | |
Source of the Product Code | Src | String | Identifies the source of the SecurityID. If it is not specified, the default of Clearing is used. | H = Clearing House / Clearing Organization |
CFI Code | CFI | String | Indicates the type of security using ISO 10962 standard, Classification of Financial Instruments (CFI code) values. | |
Security Type | SecTyp | String | Indicates type of instrument or security. | OOC = Options on Combo OOF = Options on Futures |
Contract Period Code | MMY | MonthYear | Specifies the month and year of maturity. | |
Maturity Date | MatDt | LocalMktDate | Date of maturity or the Settlement date of the contract. | |
Strike Price | StrkPx | Price | Used for derivatives, such as options and covered warrants. | |
Put Or Call | PutCall | int | Used to express option right. | 0 = Put 1 = Call |
Product Exchange | Exch | Exchange | The exchange where the Security is listed. | CBT CBTSW CEE CME CMESW COMEX COMSW DME also known as GME (Gulf Mercantile Exchange) NYMEX NYMSW |
PosMntRpt/Undly (Repeating) | ||||
Underlying Product Code | ID | String | Used as the primary identifier for the underlying instrument. | |
Underlying Security Type | SecTyp | String | Used to indicate the type of underlying security being reported. | COMBO = Multileg (Combo) FUT = Future FWD = Forward MLEG = Multi Leg (Combo) |
Underlying Maturity | MMY | MonthYear | The expiration period code of an underlying instrument. Used in combination with UnderlyingSecurityID to specify the instrument identifier. | |
Underlying Price | Px | Price | Indicates the current or theoretical price of the underlying instrument. Used to calculate the tentative exercise variation from strike price to best price. | |
PosMntRpt/Qty (Repeating) | ||||
Position Quantity Type | Typ | String | Used to identify the type of quantity that is being returned. | TOT = Total Transaction Qty |
Long Quantity | Long | Qty | Indicates the Long Quantity. | |
PosMntRpt/Amt (Repeating) | ||||
Amount Type | Typ | String | The type of amount being expressed. | TVAR = Trade Variation Amount |
Amount | Amt | Amt | The amount associated with the report. | |
Amount Currency | Ccy | String | The currency in which the Amount is denominated. |
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