requestConsent Message
A requestConsent message is sent to a Clearing firm from CME to claim a trade. This happens when a clearing firm has opted for explicit claim. This message will include a swap block containing all the economic details of the deal and the limit information. The message has been customized by CME clearing to include limit and package information. The message provides claiming or declining a trade or a package.
requestConsent Message Element
The requestConsent supports a trade element or a trade package element as a choice. Â If a tradePackage is sent, all the trade details are sent within the package.
requestConsent Message Specification
Field Name | Description | XPath | Custom (Y/N) | Enumerations / Values / Schemes |
FpML Root Element | This is a custom container that has been added to all messages implemented by CME. The element will be prefixed by CME namespace. | <cme:FpML> | Y | Â |
Message Name | The FpML message Name | /FpML/requestConsent/ | N | Â |
Message ID | A unique message ID sent for every unique message sent. | /FpML/requestConsent/messageId | N | cme_message_id |
Message Sent By | Identifies the entity sending the message. This element uses a Message address scheme. | /FpML/requestConsent/sentBy | N | cme_clearingorg_id |
Message Sent to | Identifies the entity receiving the message. This element uses a Message address scheme. There can be multiple occurrences of this element. | Â | N | cme_firm_id cme_exchange_id |
Create Timestamp | This is the message creation timestamp or a transaction time | /FpML/requestConsent/creationTimestamp | N | Â |
Package Header Details (for Package submissions) The package header will include the package type and the size of the package. Additionally the the tradePackage element will act as a container for all the trades in the package. | ||||
Package Type | Identifies the type of package that was traded. | /FpML/requestConsent/tradePackage/packageHeader/packageType | Y | |
Package Size | Identifies the number of trades in the package. | /FpML/requestConsent/tradePackage/packageHeader/size | Y | Â |
Trade Header Details | ||||
Trade Header | This element contains trade details like the trade ids assigned by various parties to the trade and a reference to various parties to the trade. | /FpML/requestConsent/trade/tradeHeader OR /FpML/requestConsent/tradePackage/trade/tradeHeader | Â N | Â |
CME Assigned Trade ID | A unique Trade ID assigned by CME clearing for the trade. This element uses a trade id scheme.  | /FpML/clearingConfirmed/trade/tradeHeader/ partyTradeIdentifier/tradeId OR /FpML/clearingConfirmed/tradePackage/trade/tradeHeader/ partyTradeIdentifier/tradeId | N | cme_trade_id |
Client Trade Id | A unique Trade ID assigned by Client while submitting the trade to clearing. This element uses a trade Id scheme.  | /FpML/clearingConfirmed/trade/tradeHeader/ partyTradeIdentifier/tradeId OR /FpML/clearingConfirmed/tradePackage/trade/tradeHeader/ partyTradeIdentifier/tradeId | N | client_trade_id  |
Platform Trade Id | A unique Trade ID assigned by the Platform while submitting the trade to clearing. This element uses a trade Id scheme.  | /FpML/clearingConfirmed/trade/tradeHeader/ partyTradeIdentifier/tradeId OR /FpML/clearingConfirmed/tradePackage/trade/tradeHeader/ partyTradeIdentifier/tradeId | N | platform_trade_id  |
Block Trade Id | The unique id assigned to the block trade (bunched Trade) if the trade was allocated. This is only present for blocks (bunched trades). | /FpML/clearingConfirmed/trade/tradeHeader/ partyTradeIdentifier/tradeId OR /FpML/clearingConfirmed/tradePackage/trade/tradeHeader/ partyTradeIdentifier/tradeId | N | block_trade_id |
Package ID | The unique id assigned to the package trade by the submitter of the package. | /FpML/clearingConfirmed/trade/tradeHeader/ partyTradeIdentifier/tradeId OR /FpML/clearingConfirmed/tradePackage/trade/tradeHeader/ partyTradeIdentifier/tradeId | N | package_trade_id |
Position ID | The position of the trade within the package | /FpML/clearingConfirmed/trade/tradeHeader/ partyTradeIdentifier/tradeId OR /FpML/clearingConfirmed/tradePackage/trade/tradeHeader/ partyTradeIdentifier/tradeId | N | position_trade_id |
Trade Header Details (Party and Related Party Information) | ||||
Clearing Firm Reference | This is a reference to the clearing firm party. This does not contain the identifier of the party. | /FpML/requestConsent/trade/ tradeHeader/ partyTradeInformation/partyReference | N | Â |
Account Reference | This is a reference to the account. This does not contain the identifier of the account. | /FpML/requestConsent/trade/ tradeHeader/ partyTradeInformation/accountReference | N | Â |
Input Source Reference | This is a reference to the original trade source thru shich the party submitted the trade. This uses a Party role schema. | /FpML/requestConsent/trade/ tradeHeader/ partyTradeInformation/relatedParty/ partyReference /FpML/requestConsent/trade/ tradeHeader/ partyTradeInformation/relatedParty/role | N | Â cme_roles |
Trade Date | The date on which the trade was submitted to clearing. | /FpML/requestConsent/trade/ tradeHeader/tradeDate | N | Â |
Originating Event | This field describes the event that created the trade. Trades can be created by an incoming NEW_TRADE from the platform, due to TRANSFER etc. | /FpML/requestConsent/ trade/ tradeHeader/ originatingEvent | Â Y | NEW_TRADE TRANSFER TRADE_AMEND NETTING_REMNANT TRANSFER_IN TRANSFER_OUT DSF EXERCISE PARTIAL_EXERCISE PARTIAL_ASSIGNMENT ALLOCATION_IN ALLOCATION_OUT COUPON_BLENDING BLENDING_REMNANT |
Trade Status | The Status of the trade in Clearing | /FpML/requestConsent/trade/ tradeHeader/status | Y | ALLEGED |
 | ||||
Cleared USI/UTI | The identity of the issuer of the USI/UTI. For trades cleared by CME this will contain the CFTC assigned namespace for CME DCO. | /FpML/requestConsent/trade/tradeHeader/ universalSwapIndetifier/issuer | Â Y | cftc_Namestace |
The transaction or swap identifier for the trade side. | /FpML/requestConsent/trade/tradeHeader /universalSwapIndetifier/usi | Y | reg_trade_id | |
This element is the scope of the USI. It indicates if the USI assigned by the CCP is being assigned for the clearing member or client trade under the principal model. | /FpML/requestConsent/trade/tradeHeader /universalSwapIndetifier/scope | Y | Â | |
CME Trade Header Details (Credit Limit information) | ||||
Limit Level | The level at which Credit limit information is being represented. | /FpML/requestConsent/trade/tradeHeader/ CreditLimitInformation/limitApplicable/level | Y | creditLimitLevelScheme |
Limit Type | Standard code to indicate which type of credit limit type is being referred to. Typical values are  i.e. IM, DV01, PV01, CS01, Notional, Clip Size, Notional, maximumOrderQuantity. | /FpML/requestConsent/trade/tradeHeader/ CreditLimitInformation/limitApplicable/limitType | Y | |
Limit Amount | This element contains the total limit available for the limit level and limit type. | /FpML/requestConsent/trade/tradeHeader/ CreditLimitInformation/limitApplicable/limitAmount | Y | Â |
Limit Utilized | This element contains the limit utilized by all the cleared trades for the limit level and limit type. | /FpML/requestConsent/trade/tradeHeader/ CreditLimitInformation/limitApplicable/amountUtilized | Y | Â |
Remaining limit | This element contains thelimit remaining for the limit level and limit type. This does not take into account any pending trades. | /FpML/requestConsent/trade/tradeHeader/ CreditLimitInformation/limitApplicable/amountRemaining | Y | Â |
Limit Impact due to trade | This element contains the limit utilized by this specific trade. | /FpML/requestConsent/trade/tradeHeader/ CreditLimitInformation/limitApplicable/ limitImpactDueToTrade | Y | Â |
Limit Currency | This represents the currency in which the limit information is being sent. | /FpML/requestConsent/trade/tradeHeader/ CreditLimitInformation/limitApplicable/currency | Y | Â |
Swap Details: XPath : FpML/requestConsent/trade/swaps | ||||
Party Details  | ||||
Clearing Firm | The identifier of the clearing firm as known by CME clearing that guarantees the trade. | /FpML/requestConsent/party@id /FpML/requestConsent/party/partyId | Â | clearing_member_firms |
Clearing Account | Â The identifier of the Clearing Account. | /FpML/requestConsent/account@id /FpML/requestConsent/account/partyId | Â | clearing_firm_accounts |
Account Owner | Contains a reference to the party that owns the account.  | /FpML/requestConsent/account/servicingParty |  |  |
Credit Limit Status | ||||
Credit Limit Status | Indicates whether the threshold was exceeded. | /FpML/requestConsent/cme:limitReport/status | Y | Exceeded Acceptable |
Limit breach severity | Indicates the severity of the limit breach | /FpML/cme:requestConsent/limitReport/severity | Y | High Medium Low |
Limit breach description | A description of the limit breach. | /FpML/requestConsent/cme:limitReport/description | Y | Â |
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