BrokerTec Reject Codes
This topic lists the iLink 3 BrokerTec reject codes and the accompanying text explanation in 58-Text sent in the reject response to an inbound iLink 3 message from the client to BrokerTec markets on CME Globex which has been rejected.
iLink 3 Binary Order Entry for BrokerTec uses the same reject text and error code as CME Globex futures and options except those listed below.
New BrokerTec error codes are in the range of 5000 to 6000
Certain BrokerTec rejects use different text, but the same error code as CME Globex futures and options.
Error Code | Tag 58-Text |
Sent in response to New Order - Single (tag 35-MsgType=D) | Text explanation of error code |
1013 | Invalid order qualifier Symbol: % is ineligible for Display Quantity Order |
1014 | The user is not authorized to trade 'FirmID: 'XXXX' SenderSubID: 'XXXX' ProductGroup: 'XXXX'' |
2130 | Order type not permitted while the market is in Post Close/Pre-Open (PCP) |
2137 | Order price is outside the limits 'Ask of % violates High Limit of % |
2137 | Order price is outside the limits 'Ask of % violates Low Limit of % |
2179 | Order price is outside bands 'Ask of % violates High Band % using Delta .00, Stlmt equals % |
2179 | Order price is outside bands 'Bid of % violates Low Band % using Delta .00, Stlmt equals % |
2311 | Order type not permitted for group Symbol: % order type: %, Allowed types: % |
5000 | Bid of % not better than current Best Bid % |
5001 | Ask of % not better than current Best Ask % |
5003 | Order Quantity is less than the Min Trade Volume: XX |
5004 | Order Max Show is less than the Min Trade Volume: XX |
5005 | Order Minimum Qty is less than the Minimum Trade Volume: XX |
5006 | Order quantity is not compatible with increment size 'Quantity: '7' isn't compatible with OrderIncrementSize: '5' |
5010 | ExecInstruction Only Best not allowed for this contract |
5512 | Order type not permitted for group 'group: XXX, order type: XXXXXXXXX' |
7047 | Order Type / Duration Combo invalid. TIF: '%' / Allowed types: '%' |
Sent in response to Order Cancel-Replace Request (tag 35-MsgType=G) message |
1014 | The user is not authorized to trade 'FirmID: 'XXXX' SenderSubID: 'XXXX' ProductGroup: 'XXXX'' |
2103 | Attempt to modify an order with a different TraderID than the original order 'Order: XXXXXXXXXX SenderCompID: XXXXXXXX |
5003 | Order Quantity is less than the Min Trade Volume: XX |
5004 | Order Max Show is less than the Min Trade Volume: XX |
5005 | Order Minimum Qty is less than the Minimum Trade Volume: XX |
5006 | Order quantity is not compatible with increment size 'Quantity: '7' isn't compatible with OrderIncrementSize: '5' |
5010 | ExecInstruction Only Best not allowed for this contract |
5102 | Modification of orders from Iceberg to Non-iceberg & vice-versa is not allowed |
5512 | Order type not permitted for group 'group: USR, order type: XXXXXXXXX' |
5558 | Order modify has different Managed order tag than existing order |
7015 | Order modify has different side than existing order 'Order: XXX SenderCompID: XXXXXXX' |
Sent in response to Order Cancel Request (tag 35-MsgType=F) message |
2130 | Order type not permitted while the market is in Post Close/Pre-Open (PCP) |
5000 | Bid of % not better than current Best Bid % |
5001 | Ask of % not better than current Best Ask % |
5100 | Display Quantity increase not allowed in this market |
5101 | Quantity increase not allowed in this market |
Sent in tag 103-OrdRejReason of the Execution Report - Reject (tag 35-MsgType=8, tag 39-OrdStatus=8) | Text explanation of error code. |
5011 | ExecInstruction Only Best and TimeInForce GTC or GTD are not eligible/allowed. |