EBS Reject Codes
This topic lists the iLink 3 EBS Market reject codes and the accompanying text explanation in 58-Text sent in the reject response to an inbound iLink 3 message.
iLink 3 Binary Order Entry for EBS Market uses the same reject text and error code as CME Globex futures and options except those listed below.
EBS error codes are in the range of 4000 to 5000
Certain EBS rejects use the same text and error code as BrokerTec.
Error Code | Tag 58-Text |
Sent in response to New Order - Single (tag 35-MsgType=D) | |
1014 | The user is not authorized to trade 'FirmID: '<FIRMID>' SenderSubID: '<Sender Sub ID>' ProductCode: '<Product Code>'' |
2046 | Disclosed quantity cannot be greater than total or remaining qty |
2115 | Order quantity is outside of the allowable range 'Quantity: <order qty> Max: <max qty> Min: <min qty> |
2311 | Order type not permitted for group 'Symbol: <contract name> order type: Market to Limit, Allowed types: [LIMIT]' |
4100 | Buy order PD price must be greater than ‘<Limit Price>’, and less than or equal to ‘<PD Price>’ |
4101 | Sell order PD price must be less than ‘<Limit Price>’, and greater than or equal to ‘<PD Price>’ |
4004 | DiscretionPrice is not allowed for this contract 'Symbol: <contract name>’ |
4012 | DiscretionPrice must be greater than zero |
4108 | Order's contract is not DAY eligible. |
4999 | Order not allowed on Instruments without a valid Value Date |
5003 | Order Quantity is less than the Min Trade Volume: <min qty> |
5004 | Order Max Show is less than the Min Trade Volume: <min qty> |
5005 | Order Minimum Qty is less than the Minimum Trade Volume: <min qty> |
5006 | Order quantity is not compatible with increment size 'Quantity: '<order qty>' isn't compatible with OrderIncrementSize: '<increment size>'' |
7018 | Order's contract is not GTC or GTD eligible. 'GTC/GTD ineligible contract: '<contract name> ' |
Sent in response to Order Cancel-Replace Request (tag 35-MsgType=G) message | |
1014 | The user is not authorized to trade 'FirmID: '<FIRMID>' SenderSubID: '<Sender Sub ID>' ProductCode: '<Product Code>'' |
4001 | Pending Cancel Replace Superseded With Pending Cancel |
4002 | Cancel Already Pending |
4008 | Pending Cancel Replace Superseded |
4100 | Buy order PD price must be greater than ‘<Limit Price>’, and less than or equal to ‘<PD Price>’ |
4101 | Sell order PD price must be less than ‘<Limit Price>’, and greater than or equal to ‘<PD Price>’ |
5102 | Modification of orders from Iceberg to Non-Iceberg & vice versa is not allowed. |
Sent in Response to Request for Quote (tag 35-MsgType=R) message | |
99 | The user is not authorized to trade 'FirmID: '<FIRMID>' SenderSubID: '<Sender Sub ID>' ProductCode: '<Product Code>'' |
Sent in Business Reject (tag 35-MsgType=j) message | |
0 | DiscretionPrice is not allowed with FOK or FAK orders |
0 | DiscretionPrice is not allowed for Instruments with MaxPriceDiscretionOffset equals 0 |
102 | Kill Switch enforced by EBS Market Control Admin for Firm: XXXXX. <BUY or SELL> Order Quantity: XXXXXXXX <currency pair> rejected |
102 | Kill Switch enforced by EBS Prime Risk Admin for Firm: XXXXX. <BUY or SELL> Order Quantity: XXXXXXXX <currency pair> rejected |
102 | Trading Disallowed by EBS Prime Risk Admin for Firm: XXXXX. <BUY or SELL> Order Quantity: XXXXXXXX <currency pair> rejected |
102 | Liquidation Mode enforced for Firm: XXXXX. <BUY or SELL> Order Quantity: XXXXXXXX <currency pair> rejected |
107 | Firm: XXXXX has not been granted credit |
107 | Firm: XXXXX is not allowed to enter orders because it is defined as PrimeBrokerDelegate which is restricted from order entry |
107 | Gross Limit Violation Group: XXXXXXXX, <BUY or SELL> Order Quantity: XXXXXXXX <currency pair> rejected. Gross limit has been reached |
107 | NOP Limit Violation Group: XXXXXXX, <BUY or SELL> Order Quantity: XXXXXXXX <currency pair> rejected. Maximum available to buy: XXXXXXXX <currency pair> |
133 | Duplicate ClOrdID: ‘X’ not allowed |
134 | Value Provided Does Not Match With Original Trade (EU Bilateral Reject) |
135 | Combination of Order ID & SecExecID not found (EU Bilateral Reject) |
136 | Non Zero Limit Price Not Allowed for eFix Instruments |
137 | Messages queued due to latency floor being rejected because of session terminate or disconnect prior to release from latency floor |
138 | Message rejected due to internal technical error |
139 | Max Order Size Violation Trader: '<Sender Sub ID>', Order Quantity: <order quantity>breaches Max Order Size Limit: <max quantity>for Product Code: <Product Code> |
140 | Not Authorized to Submit GFS Orders; Only FAK/FOK Allowed |
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