iLink 3 Binary Order Entry - Session Layer
iLink 3 uses the FIX Performance (FIXP) protocol to establish and manage bi-directional sessions. Per the FIXP protocol, a FIX session is defined as a bi-directional stream of ordered messages between two parties within a continuous sequence number series. With iLink 3, the Market Segment Gateways (MSGW) will support weekly client FIX sessions and also support mid-week initialization.
FIXP Session Attributes
In iLink 3, for each customer, the MSGW starts the session at the beginning of the week. A FIXP session will be maintained by default on a weekly basis; however, the customer can Negotiate, Establish, and Terminate multiple times. Each FIXP session will also be represented with a Universally Unique ID (UUID), which should be a current timestamp.
The term, FIX connection, has a new connotation in iLink 3. A successful logon consists of a two-step process that involves first Negotiation and then Establishment.
The exchange will support a FIXP session created at the beginning of the week all through the end of that week. The customer can then Establish and Terminate FIX connections multiple times intra-day or at the end of each day, with the same UUID or Negotiate the new FIXP session with a new UUID as well.
- 1 Universally Unique Identifier (UUID)
- 1.1 UUID Rules
- 1.2 Re-Setting UUID
- 2 Weekly Reset
- 3 Session Security
- 3.1 Steps to Sign the Negotiate and Establish Messages
- 4 FIXP Session Messages
- 5 Initialization and Binding