iLink 3 Binary Order Entry - Business Layer
iLink 3 allows customers to optimize business message construction by pre-registering administrative information or by submitting administrative information per message (on-demand) as follows.
Pre-registered administrative information
for most efficient business messaging (i.e., New Order Single, Mass Quote), customers pre-register administrative information in the new Service Gateway weekly.
Full iLink 3 certification is required for customers to add this pre-registered administrative information functionality into their systems.
On-demand administrative information
customers send the administrative information to MSGW with every business message.
iLink 3 business messages always include a reference to the pre-registered or on-demand administrative information.
Administrative information includes:
Information required to accept and match the order on the central limit order book
tag 2362-SelfMatchPreventionID
tag 8000-SelfMatchPreventionInstruction
Information required to clear the trade
tag 1031-CustOrdHandlIngInst
tag 1731-AveragePriceGroupID
tag 819-AveragePriceIndicator
tag 1598-ClearingTradePrice
tag 9708-CmtaGiveUpCD
tag 5149-Memo
Information required for market regulation compliance
tag 1693-PartyDetailRole=96 (take up firm)
tag 1693-PartyDetailRole=1000 (take up account)
tag 1693-PartyDetailRole=1 (executing firm)
tag 1693-PartyDetailRole=118 (operator) - identifies the person responsible for the party detail information
tag 1693-PartyDetailRole=24 (customer account)
tag 582-CustOrderCapacity
tag 1816-ClearingAccountType
All fields may not be applicable to all messages; for example, Customer Account does not apply to messages such as Request For Quote.
- 1 Order Entry Service Gateway
- 2 Party Details
- 3 iLink 3 Order Types and Order Type Qualifiers